6 Quick Steps to Treating Grade 2 Acne Effectively April 19, 2022Amber Champagne What to know about Grade 2 Acne aka Moderate Acne In moderate acne, you’ll see acne present like it does in Grade 1, but there will be additional blemishes. You’ll...
5 Quick Steps for Treating Grade 1 Acne Effectively April 19, 2022Amber Champagne Grade 1 Acne is the mildest of the 4 types. Grade 1 Acne consists of comedones (open aka blackheads & closed aka whiteheads), a few inflamed papules and maybe a...
Quick Guide to Understanding Acne April 19, 2022Amber Champagne Acne is mostly caused by sebum (oil) and dead skin cells clogging the pores. Mix that with some bacteria and that’s what causes infection and severe acne (grade 4 aka...
Two Easy 5 Minute Skincare Routines for your Best Skin! August 23, 2021Amber Champagne Time is of the essence when it comes to skincare. More people claim time is the challenge that gets in their way most often when it comes to consistency with a...
A Quick Guide to Essential Skincare August 23, 2021Amber Champagne Everyone wants that one magic product that does it all, but I'm here to tell you, that's just not real. I'm going to be honest, but then again - when...
Skincare: Necessity or Luxury? August 23, 2021Amber Champagne One of the things I hear often is that people think that partaking in skincare is part of a relaxation ritual more than a regular routine. However, skincare is a necessity...
5 Easy Ways to Ensure your Best Fall Skin August 23, 2021Amber Champagne Fall is in the air. And you know what that means... Pumpkins, special coffees, boots and cozy sweaters and a change for your skincare routine. Our skin changes from season...
The Truth about Using Face Oils May 12, 2021Amber Champagne It seems that almost every time I turn around, a client is telling me how they use a face oil to hydrate their skin and combat anti-aging. I'm not sure...
Tips for your Best Summer Skin! May 10, 2021Amber Champagne Our skin has very different needs from season to season. We should change our skincare products like we change our outfits, but when I'm speaking with clients this is often...
The Truth about Sugar and your Skin's Health (5 Ways to Prevent Aging from Sugar) December 17, 2020Amber Champagne Lots of us are privy to the fact that when it comes to our bodies, sugar is a straight-up villain. While sugar may bring a quick rush of pleasure,...
The Holy Grail of Skincare: Jojoba Oil (5 Amazing Skin Benefits) December 07, 2020Amber Champagne What do you see when you think of the holy grail of skincare? Do you imagine a plethora of beautiful glass bottles full of ingredients made to ensure clear skin,...
The Truth about Silicones - 5 Facts to Put your Mind at Ease December 03, 2020Amber Champagne One topic in the skincare world that is full of misinformation is silicone. A variety of silicones make up a large group of really versatile ingredients in the cosmetic chemistry world. ...